Playism Game Show: Premium Edition postponed

Playism Game Show: Premium Edition

Playism has postponed Playism Game Show: Premium Edition, which was previously planned for September 25. A new date is still to be decided.

Get the full message from Playism on the postponement below.

The previously announced Playism Game Show: Premium Edition, scheduled for September 25th, has been postponed.

The errors in the scheduled guest list released on September 17, as well as the inadequacies in our subsequent handling of the matter have already caused inconvenience for a number of people, and we have decided that under the circumstances, we would not currently be able to provide the sort of content nor event that we nor our fans would consider satisfactory.

We want to offer our deepest and sincerest apologies to all of the developers and partners involved in the event, and to everyone from whom we received various comments and criticisms alike. We are truly sorry for any and all inconvenience caused.

Additionally, we would also like to apologize to everyone who was looking forward to the event for the suddenness of the announcement and the cancellation.

The date on which the event will be held is still to be decided, and we will provide further information once the event has been officially rescheduled.

We hope you all can accept our sincerest apologies.


Playism Game Show: Premium Edition postponed
Source: Philippines Medium

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