Babylon’s Fall – Closed Beta Test: Phase 2 Report, Phase 3 dated

Get the full Closed Beta Test: Phase 2 Report below.

■ Development Progress Report

We would now like to present some details of the development team’s progress in improving some of the areas that were mentioned in the Phase 1 Report. We are hard at work on these improvements and aim to have them reflected in the Phase 3 build.

Babylon's Fall
Babylon's Fall

Adjustments to the Brushwork Filter

Firstly, we would like to report on the ongoing improvements to the graphics. This was an area we received many strong opinions and requests about in Phases 1 and 2 of the Closed Beta Test, particularly regarding poor visibility. Accordingly, we have been working to improve the overall visual clarity, while still keeping the distinctive classic fantasy oil painting aesthetic.

The screenshots below allow you to compare the graphics from Phase 2 with the graphics from Phase 3, where the filter has been tweaked. It has been re-worked so that background vistas still retain an oil painting feel, while fine details in the foreground, such as the ornamentations on cloth or the wood grain texture in flooring, are clear and easily discernible.

Babylon's Fall
Babylon's Fall
Babylon's Fall

Improvements to previous report, the action elements of the game will be getting major tweaks and adjustments.

Here is a video showing just a small number of the improvements we plan to implement for Phase 3 of the test.

Babylon’s Fall – Closed Beta Test: Phase 2 Report, Phase 3 dated
Source: Philippines Medium

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